Kim Jong-Un’s opening address at 4th meeting of Cell Secretaries of the Workers Party Of Korea


Kim Jong-Un’s opening address at 4th meeting of Cell Secretaries of the Workers Party Of Korea



Today, we are opening the fourth meeting of the cell secretaries of the Workers Party of Korea [WPK] in the midst of the high expectations and interest of all party members and people.

The meeting of the cell secretaries held this time as the forth one in the glorious history of our party is a deeply meaningful meeting convened according to the behest of great Comrade Kim Jong Il, the eternal general secretary of the WPK.

Great Comrade Kim Jong Il — who brilliantly inherited the revolutionary party-building cause of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and who moved forward while holding onto consolidating and developing the party cells as a main link and as the key in strengthening the entire party — gained a penetrating insight into the requirements of the period of a historic turnabout in completing the cause of the chuch’e revolution with ingenious prescience and extraordinary, piercing foresight and gave programmatic teachings on extensively organizing the future party cell secretaries’ meeting at the level of 10,000 people and having the cell secretaries do their part in strengthening the party cells.

The fourth meeting of the cell secretaries of the WPK will decisively enhance the function and role of the party cells and will thereby serve as an epochal turning point in strengthening the militant might of our party in every way, as required by the new era of the chuch’e revolution.

On this deeply meaningful occasion, reflecting the boundless respect and admiration of the meeting participants and all of the party members and the people, I extend the highest respect and eternal glory to Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il — the founders and builders of the WPK and the great images of the great Mt Paektu state.

I also warmly congratulate the meeting participants who, with honor and pride as the junior functionaries of the glorious Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il party, are devoting efforts and dedicated labor without fanfare to the consolidation and development of our party and the wealth and prosperity of the fatherland, and I send militant greetings to the cell secretaries of the entire party in the name of the Party Central Committee.


Today, we are facing a responsible and heavy task to further glorify the eternal, revolutionary accomplishments — which the great generalissimos achieved by devoting their whole lives — and to persistently lead them to the construction of a powerful state [kangso’nggukka] and the completion of the cause of the fatherland’s reunification under the eternally immortal banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

If we are to excellently accomplish the important tasks faced by the party, we should completely change the appearance of our party as the political headquarters that is leading the revolution and construction and as the motherly party that shares the fate of life and death with the masses of the working people.

The mission of the party cells as the lowest grassroots organizations of the party and as the scouts of the implementation of the party policies is very important in organizationally and ideologically consolidating our party, in strengthening the blood ties between the party and the people, and in vigorously organizing and mobilizing the millions of soldiers and people to the construction of a powerful state.

If only the hundreds of thousands of the party cells — who are working in all regions of the country and at all sectors and guard posts — are firmly prepared, we can put new spurs on the party work and on the overall state work and can rouse the millions of soldiers and people at once and can work miracles to dazzle the world.

If the cell secretaries of the entire party firmly unite around the Party Central Committee and if the hundreds of thousands of the party cells become unshakable cornerstones and citadels to uphold the party, the leading authority and combat capabilities of our party will be enhanced beyond comparison, and the red flag of the Workers Party will proudly fly on the hill of a powerful state.

The Party Central Committee has resolved to make the meeting of the cell secretaries held this time a decisive occasion for summing up the accomplishments, experiences, and faults of the past and for basically improving and consolidating the work of the party cells and for thereby bringing about a decisive turnabout in the overall party work.

I declare the opening of the fourth meeting of the cell secretaries of the WPK with a conviction that this meeting, through the fervent enthusiasm and active participation of all of the comrades who have gathered here, will successfully carry out its work and will thereby set up a historic milestone in consolidating and developing our party and in building a socialist powerful state.”

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