Statement by comrades in Denmark concerning Danish involvement in US/Puppet military drills on the Korean Peninsula


“Denmark involved in insane exersises against the DPRK”

Statement by comrades in Denmark on the provocative military drills being carried out in South Korea by the imperialist forces of the US and the puppet army of South Korea.

“The exercise involved the nuclear-armed aircraft carrier George Washington, as well as a large number of F-22 Stealth Fighter and B-52 strategic bombers. In addition to troops from the United States and South Korea, units from Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia and Colombia also took part in the exercises.
Open letter
from Friendship Association Denmark – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea v / Anders Kristensen and Ulrich L. Larsen

For government.

Friendship Denmark – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea wishes to express its deepest concern at the continuing large-scale war exercises in South Korea which are aimed at the DPR Korea to the north.

Since mid-February, the large military force led by the U.S. high command held dangerous and provocative war exercises in South Korea and the waters around it. First, there was the so-called Foal Eagle joint war exercises and now the so-called Key Resolve, which is planned to run until April.

In addition to troops from the U.S. and South Korea also military units from Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia and Colombia also took part in the exercises.

The exercise involved the nuclear-armed aircraft carrier George Washington, as well as a large number of F-22 Stealth Fighter and B-52 strategic bombers.

War exercises contribute to raising tension and the danger of war on the Korean peninsula.

War exercises held near the demilitarized zone (DMZ zone) up to DPR Korea are carried out with great danger as any errors or misinterpretations may trigger a new Korean War.

War exercises are designed to train military attack and invasion of DPR Korea, and put military pressure on the country. War exercises are perceived by DPR Korea as an aggressive provocation against the country and its people, and in every way contribute to a heightened tension and the danger of war on the Korean peninsula.

Therefore, the Friendship Association Denmark-DPR Korea, call for an immediate end to the insane and dangerous Key Resolve war exercise. It has been going on for too long and every day it continues there is an increased tension and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.

The road to peace and reconciliation in Korea is not through war drills, weapons, blockade, sanctions and demonization, but the resumption of dialogue in Korea.

We therefore call on the Danish government to stop the Danish participation in the Key Resolve in South Korea, and to stop blindly following the U.S. Korea Policy.

Instead, the government is encouraged internationally to support a Korea policy built on insight, peaceful dialogue between the parties in the Korean conflict, and the conclusion of a peace treaty to replace the 60-year-old ceasefire agreement was reached after the end of the bloody Korean War in 1953 .”



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